whY choose Footsteps?
Are you tired of spending hours online reseraching international locations and endless expensive travel options? Are you sick of worrying if about your safety on your mission trip?
Footsteps Missions offers complete mission experiences where every aspect is taken care of. Let our 20 years of proven success do the hard work and planning for you.
You deserve a meaningful experience where your only concern is helping others.

Planning a Mission trip can be overwhelming and scary.
We’re here to help you every step of the way.
We know that international travel has unique safety risks. Keeping our volunteers safe and healthy is our top priority.
With 20 years of successful mission trips, you can rely on our team for the direction and guidance that only experience can provide.
Our well established trips provide an experience that is authentic, immersive, and has profound personal meaning.
What Footsteps Does for you
registering with US Embassies
On average, it can take up to 2 months for a trip leader to prepare a team correctly.
Most leaders don’t have that much time.
With carefully constructed procedures and custom training materials, Footstpes ensures a safe, meaningful, and organized trip.